7070 Immokalee Road   |   Naples, FL  34119
(239) 591-4550  (phone)  |   (239) 591-4572  (fax)



Try to avoid giving out cell phone numbers.
Email contact is preferred.

NEVER give out the contact for the Sr or Jr Wardens.
Encourage the caller to use the directory if they are a member, if there are any concerns
regarding this, feel free to allow the administrator to handle the call.

Fr. Jonathan Evans
( 786 ) 540-5704

Rev. Sylvia Czarnetzky
( Quarter Time Only )
Please only contact if
Fr. Jonathan isn’t available
( 662 ) 645-8887

Dr David Gomez
( xxx ) xxx-xxxx

Laura Stamper
( 812 ) 801-7895

Joe Master
( 941) 356-6385
( Don’t give out to anyone but staff or vestry )

Cesar Guzman
( 239 ) 292-8936
( Don’t give out to anyone but staff or vestry )


Scott McCurdy
Senior Warden
( 239 ) 250-9996
( Don’t give out to anyone but staff or vestry )
Ryan Smith–Landwehr
Junior Warden
(901) 517-1623
( Don’t give out to anyone but staff or vestry )
Tom Gibson
Treasurer (non-Vestry)
(239) 285-2198
( Don’t give out to anyone but staff or vestry )


NA (Narcotics Annon): Meets on Monday Nights 7PM  |  Contact: Dawn (619) 884-8543    (verified 7/11/2023)
AA (Alcoholics Annon): Meets on Tuesday Nights 7PM  |  Contact: Brian (631) 905-8695   (verified 2/14/2023)
1 – AL-ANON (Family Support): Meets on Monday Nights 7PM  | Contact: KimAnn (703) 973-0588   (verified 2/14/2023)
2 – AL-ANON (Family Support): Meets on Tuesday Nights 7PM  | Contact: Juliet (239) 249-0379   (verified 2/14/2023)
FULL STEAM AHEAD: On-Site Leader: Beth (916) 870-1154 | Owner: Ryan: (856) 220-1931   (verified 2/14/2023)
FEED THY NEIGHBOR: No contact information – just tell callers they are no longer at our location.
WEIGHT WATCHERS:  No contact information – they haven’t been here since Covid


  • Answering:
    • Answer with a Smile

Believe it or not, the tone of the human voice changes when smiling.

    • Use a Professional Greet
      • Use an opening phrase as in “Good Morning“, “Good Afternoon“, or “Thank you for Calling St. Monica’s“.
      • After the opening phrase, (if you used a Good Morning/Afternoon line), be sure to mention the Church’s name so the caller knows they called the correct place.
      • Also, remember to say your name, this way if the caller wants to connect with you as a person, they know the name to call you.

Example:  Thank you for calling St. Monica’s, this is Laura, how can I help you?

  • Transferring:

      • Ask the caller to hold while you transfer the call.
      • While the receiver is still to your ear, press the “TRANS” button.
      • Then press the extension button of the person you want to transfer the call to (top buttons in the white area of the phone).
      • Wait for the person to answer then let them know who is calling.

If the person you are transferring to is unable to take the call or doesn’t answer the transfer:

      • Press the extension the caller is on (flashing light).
        Then let the caller know that the person is unavailable and ask them if you can take a message for them.
      • Use the pink callback pad to record the information.
      • Remember to get the callers’ full name, phone number, and the reason for their call.  It’s ok if they don’t want to disclose the reason for the call, but remember to ask just in the event they are willing.
      • Leave the message in the mail slot of the person the call was for. Never leave this information on the desk for others to see.

 If it is an emergency or pastoral need, and the Rector is not available, pass this to the administrator immediately.  This way the administrator can contact the Rector via text and get the information to him quickly.

If the person you are transferring to is able to take the call and you need to connect them:

      • Simply hang up the phone, and the call will be connected.

Due to the nature of the Church, please remember to never disclose or discuss anything that you may have been told or heard within the office. We want to respect everyone’s privacy.  

⇒  If you think other links or information should be added here, please let Laura, the Parish Administrator know!


Check with Laura to see if there were any visitors (usually Joanie or Sue will do these).   If there are, please note those that are local and those that are visiting from out of state.    There will be a task depending on this:

For Local Visitors:
(people in Naples, Bonita Springs, Estero, & Cape Coral areas)
You will write the addresses on the envelopes and then give it, a blank card & the visitors’ book to Fr. Jonathan.

For Out-of-Area visitors (people not in Naples, Bonita Springs, Estero, or Cape Coral areas).

For Out-of-Area Visitors:
(people not in Naples, Bonita Springs, Estero, or Cape Coral areas)
You will write the cards and address the envelopes.
An example of what to write is below changing the “Red” to the correct information:
Dear Mr. & Mrs. John Smith,

Thank you for being our guest at St. Monica’s this past weekend. We hope that you experienced a warm welcome and the embrace of God’s love. We look forward to seeing you again!

Yours in Christ,
Sign Your Name

Thank you so much for giving your time and talent to help us!  We know that it can seem boring at times and the administrator doesn’t have tasks for you – but every call you handle, every walk-in you take care of allows us to get other tasks completed!   We do appreciate you and all you do for St. Monica’s!   ~Thank you again!