Dear Friends,

    As I return from the burial of my uncle Lewis, I reflect on liminal spaces. These are spaces in our lives that involve significant transitions. As we live our lives in Naples, we see much change. People move here, they leave here. People start new lives here. So, liminal spaces develop all the time. This is particularly salient with occasions such as the death of a loved one, a move, a health status change, a job change, a relationship development, etc. Whatever the case, our home in Naples is one that brims with liminal spaces.

    When we are in a liminal space, we loosen the ways in which we experience our world, and we start seeing the world in new ways. We have these spaces throughout our lives, and we have two choices in responding: avoid thinking about and dealing with the change or lean into the change and see what’s there. As your pastor, I encourage you to lean into the change with a lens for the holy. See where the Spirit pushes you. See what kind of new person you can be. See how God equips you differently for this time in your life and our life together.

    Peace and grace,
    Fr. Jonathan

    We are looking for a new Sunday Greeters Leader and Saturday Lectors. Check the announcements and eNews for more information.

    - Sign up for hosting coffee hour – we will train you! Just call or email the office.
    - Learn how to do wonders with flowers through serving through our flower guild.
    - Learn the prayerful experience of serving at the altar guild.
    - Give of your time at the front desk, helping with small administrative tasks, answering phones and greeting visitors.

    Our group is reading A Different Way; Recentering the Christian Life Around Following Jesus by Christopher A. Hall in the conference room at 9:30am Monday mornings. Please join us. If you have any questions contact our leader, Ed Strong at estrongjr@gmail.com. Reading assignments can be found in the Constant Comment sent out every Monday Morning at 7am ET. To be added to the notification notices sent out every Monday morning, send your information to Deacon Ken at Ken@stmonicasnaples.org.



Pray, Love, Give