I am pleased to share with you a news story that has been made possible by you!
In this news link, where we learn about meals being made for the hungry from our kitchen, would not have happened if it were not for your generosity. If you recall, we had a fundraiser for our kitchen a few years ago. Investment in our buildings pays off in so many ways. So, thank you!
I am proud that we are being a presence to the Naples community, and that we offer hospitality for people to do good. Just through opening our buildings, scores of preschoolers are learning and being loved, 500 hungry souls are being fed, elementary-age children learn in fun ways after school, teachers teach music, students who grew up with challenging financial circumstances have a place to perform, alcoholics and their families receive group support, mothers get diapers for the children, and so much more.
This list does not include all the groups within our own congregation that meet, study, love, and serve.
And now, we have big events to look forward to …
- Bring frozen meat to help feed the hungry before services on the 11th and 12th – Feed Thy Neighbor will be collecting so that they can offer warm meals to the hungry in our community.
- We will have an ALL GENERATIONS event:all those who are young, old, and in between are invited to help serve at the Harry Chapin Food Bank of Southwest Florida on Saturday, December 18th, from 8:30 to 11:30 am at 3940 Prospect Ave, Naples, FL 34104. We will mostly be sorting food. The younger ones may also help in creative ways. Please let me know if you plan on coming.
So, much more to come.
I pray that as we embrace the challenge of Advent, that we take extra time to love, to serve, to care, and to listen to God’s voice through everything.
Peace and grace,
Fr. Jonathan Evans