St. Monica's

Memorial Garden

History and Purpose

In 2016, members of St. Monica’s Episcopal Church established the Chapel Garden as an appropriate, consecrated, and maintained place for the interment of the cremated remains of St. Monica’s parishioners and their family members. The garden is located at the northeast corner of our Parish Hall with an entrance to our Chapel. Benches surrounding a beautiful Hong Kong orchid tree and a water feature provide a restful and meditative atmosphere for this sacred place.

Administration and Care

The Memorial Garden is administered by the Vestry, clergy, and staff of the church who also direct the perpetual care of the garden. The parish custodial staff and parish volunteers oversee the regular maintenance and care.

Memorial Garden

The cremated remains are those of a member of St. Monicas Episcopal Church, a former member, or a family member. Exceptions to this policy may be made upon the request of the Rector.

Plots are prearranged and the location of occupied or reserved plots is shown on a diagram in the church office.

The garden is available for the interment of the cremated remains of individuals in perpetuity. In the event that all plots are used, remains may be reverently interred in previously used plots.

 The name of each person whose cremated remains are interred in the Garden, with the dates of birth and death will be placed on a granite stone marking the individuals’ interment spot.

Wall of Remembrance

The Wall of Remembrance was constructed in the Memorial Garden for those who wish to place the names of loved ones who have passed however they were laid to rest at another location.

 The name of each person who is to be remembered will be engraved into the granite stone along with the dates of birth and death. The placement of the remembrance plaque is determined by the available space provided on the wall at the time of purchase.

Cost and Fees

Receipts from interment fees are held in a separate fund, with annual reporting of the fund to the vestry. Fees will be set at $500.00 for a spot in the Memorial Garden and $250.00 for the Wall of Remembrance. These fees will be used for all costs related to the Garden, including perpetual care and maintenance. Any monies from fees in excess of current or future Garden needs may, with Vestry approval, be used for general parish purposes.

Application Procedure

Arrangements for either yourself or a family member may be made by completing and returning the application below.

The fee for the Memorial Garden and for the Wall of Remembrance are payable at the time of application. However, for the Garden, applications will be accepted upon receipt with a deposit of $100, with the balance of payment due no later than one year from the date of application. A check made payable to St. Monica’s Memorial Garden Fund should accompany the application.

Upon approval of the application, a letter of confirmation will be issued along with a receipt of payment. The application and acceptance letter, together with the regulations of the Memorial Garden will constitute a contract between the applicant and St. Monica’s Episcopal Church.

The original contract will be kept in a permanent file in the office of St. Monica’s church. A copy of the contract will be forwarded to the applicant.

Application Link

Please use one of the links below based on your method of payment

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