Our goal for the church is to develop our participation in mission with the community. St. Monica’s has a long and proud tradition of caring for the community like Baby Basics, Harvest TIme Ministry, Healthy Earth Organization, and Mision Peniel in Immokalee just to name a few. We look forward to growing in service and love for all.
For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not give me clothing, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’ Matthew 25:42-43
Worship is central to who we are as Christians because we don’t so much say what we believe as we pray what we believe. The Latin phrase lex orandi lex credenda – as we pray so we believe – sums up the centrality of our worship. Worship forms us for the Christian life.
Worship isn’t a spectator event with a few “players” but a participatory event in which every person has a part to play. We sing, we pray aloud and silently, we listen and ponder, we share the bread and wine of the Holy Eucharist, and we are sent into the world to proclaim the good news of Jesus, and to carry on Jesus’ ministry in our time and place.
We offer Sunday School ministries for PreK-4 through Middle School. During most of the academic school year, we have Sunday School class beginning at 9:50am. Our PreK-4 through Fifth Grade class meets in the library. Our Middle School class meets in the Middle School Lounge. The classes rejoin us for Holy Communion, at about 10:30 or soon thereafter.
We want your child to experience the Christian faith. We want them to come to St. Monica’s and know that they are loved. We want them to know that their gifts are what makes our church so special. We want them to know that they can come here and be accepted for who they are. We want them to be known by the church and for them to know the church. We want your child to have a sense of awe and wonder about the mysteries of God. We want them to know how and why we pray. We want your child to be a part of a Christian faith community for life.
We believe that if children are not raised going to church services, then they will not come as an adult. But often children do not understand the service. So, on the second Sunday of the month, we have a “narrative service,” where our children are taught the structure of the service. Part of the sermon is directed to younger people. We have one less scripture to be read and some of the music is easier to follow. In this way, the congregation is partly fulfilling their baptismal promises to raise your child in the Christian faith.
This ministry group strives to make every person feel welcome at St. Monica’s. The team’s mission of hospitality is founded in serving as Ambassadors for Christ. Members of the WelcomeTeam welcome all parishioners as they enter for worship and assist newcomers to sign our guestbook. Ministers on the Welcome Team contact newcomers directly to offer more information about St. Monica’s following their initial visit.
This ministry role serves by scheduling the Greeter Team in advance of worship services and by serving as a focal point of communication between St. Monica’s staff and the Greeter Team.
These specially trained and licensed lay people bring communion to those who are not able to come to church for services. If you or someone you know is unable to attend church and would like to receive home communion, please contact us to arrange for communion in your home, extended care facility, or hospital.
It is our Christian duty to pray for our sisters and brothers. If you would like to have prayer for a family member, a friend, or even yourself please let us know buy clicking the link below that reads "Add A Prayer Request"
This rotating team of ministers provides a lively and well-attended coffee hour buffet in the parish hall, with coffee, tea, lemonade, baked goods, and fresh fruit. Hosts are individuals or teams who up to set up and clean up. Specific ministry teams such as Endowment Committee or the Choir members also take their turn hosting coffee hour. If you'd like to get involved and sign up to help, contact the church office or sign up on the sheet located at the back of the Church after service.
This team of ministers provides hospitality and fellowship opportunities through shared meals. Groups that meet in our parish hall or meeting rooms enjoy a coffee cart and snacks, light meals, breakfasts, and multi-course dinners. Our kitchen has commercial appliances and is fully equipped. The team also cleans and maintains the equipment, keeps linens fresh, and stocks the kitchen with essentials.
The Order of the Daughters of the King is an International Order of laywomen and girls who are communicants of the Episcopal, Lutheran, Roman Catholic, and Anglican Churches. Our mission is to be the extension of Christ’s Kingdom through Prayer, Service, and Evangelism. The St. Monica’s Chapter of the Order was started in February 2020. We meet twice a month in person or via Zoom to pray together and discern ways to serve in our church and the community. We invite all women and girls to join us, to share in our fellowship, and see if this is something you may be called to do. Please email the church office and we will put you in touch with the President of our Chapter.
This team of ministers plans and coordinates events for the parish—special dinners, recreational activities on and off-campus, and holiday events that occur throughout the year. St. Monica’s folks enjoy fellowship, have fun, and connect as sisters and brothers in Christ through others through these events.
Our focus is philanthropy and we frequently have interesting speakers from local charitable organizations. We welcome all women, so if you have visited St. Monica’s please join us! If interested, please email the church office and we will put you in touch with the leader of the group.
Gifts to St. Monica’s Endowment Fund will ensure vital ministry in the years to come. Click here for more information about this Fund.
Council of advisors for Rector and Treasurer that helps with budgeting, monthly reporting, and other financial projects.
Our Annual Stewardship drive is how we fund our operating budget, providing beautiful liturgy and music, maintaining our facilities, offering a wide variety of Christian formation opportunities for people of all ages, help those in need, and our outreach programs.