
Worship is the heart of our life together as the community of disciples of Jesus gathered at St. Monica’s.

Worship is central to who we are as Christians because we don’t so much say what we believe as we pray what we believe. The Latin phrase lex orandi lex credenda – as we pray so we believe – sums up the centrality of our worship. Worship forms us for the Christian life.

Worship isn’t a spectator event with a few “players” but a participatory event in which every person has a part to play. We sing, we pray aloud and silently, we listen and ponder, we share the bread and wine of the Holy Eucharist, and we are sent into the world to proclaim the good news of Jesus, and to carry on Jesus’ ministry in our time and place.

5:00 PM – Holy Eucharist Rite II, with music

10:00 AM – Holy Eucharist Rite II, with music

2nd Sunday of the month is Children’s Church
12:30 PM – Holy Eucharist Rite II in Spanish
2nd & 4th Sundays of the month in the Church

10:00 AM – Prayer & Share Group

( All special service dates and times will be posted on the main page during those seasons. )

What does it mean to be a member of the body of Christ? What does that look like at St. Monica’s? What are we to do? Who are we to become?


Being part of the church isn’t about sitting in a pew, attending potlucks, and offering a donation. While all of those activities offer wonderful benefits, being a part of the church is about a community of transformation. We change and then the world changes. This change comes as we support our church and participate in its life.


St. Monica’s campaign for 2024 was, “Pray, Give, Love” reflects our understanding of being a follower of Jesus and how we change. We invite everyone to deepen how they pray, give, and love.


Three Ways of Transformation


Being One with God’s Heart

We change as we regularly gather for the Eucharist on the weekends, take part in a prayer group, pray daily, engage in spiritual reading, and participate in pastoral or spiritual direction.



Giving of Self to God

We give ourselves to God through offering our talents, treasures, and time. Christ’s work in the world does not happen with these! Giving of oneself can come in innumerable ways, such as tithing, legacy giving, humble acts of service in the tasks of the Altar Guild tithing, or even spreading mulch!


Being the Hands and Feet of Christ


How are we Christ to others? Do we nurture our young? Do we welcome the hurting and the searching? How do we offer the gifts of our buildings to the community? And do we go to the margins of society and let them know that they are children of God?

We invite you to be a part of this transformation, committing to deeper prayer, deeper generosity, and deeper love for neighbor. As you pray about what your giving will look like, you are welcome to call or email Fr. Jonathan.  God bless you in your praying, giving, and loving.

Holy Week

Our Palm Sunday services include the blessing of palms and the reading of the Passion narrative. During this time, we gather in the sanctuary for “Stations of the Cross.” Our Maundy Thursday service includes the washing of feet and the Eucharist followed by the Good Friday Liturgy the following day.


Our Easter celebration begins with the Great Vigil on Saturday evening when it is just dark and concludes with our Sunday celebrations the following day.

Feast of St. Francis

The Feast of St. Francis is celebrated on the Sunday closest to that feast. Our service that day includes the blessing of animals.


Our Christmas celebration begins on Christmas Eve service which all includes carols, candles, and the Holy Eucharist. Our service is especially designed for children and families. Then we have our Christmas Day service the following day.

Please refer to our main page on this website, our eNews or Announcements for the times and dates of our services during these times of the year.

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