A Thank you from the Rector:
I am so grateful for your service to God through these lay ministries supporting our worship at St. Monica’s. Liturgy is a dance that requires coordination between many players: God’s People, LEM’s, Crucifers, Lectors, Choir, Ushers, and priest. There are many wheels spinning as we prepare for worship, and although coordinating all these movements is quite a wonderful thing, it requires a consistent plan to be what liturgy is supposed to be; our best for God. As we lead worship together, please remember that all we do is for God’s glory. We seek not perfection in the dance of liturgy, but we strive to offer our best to God. St. Monica’s worship customaries serve as training tools for new lay worship ministers and guides for existing lay worship ministers.
Fr. Jonathan+

Worship Customaries for Download

Lectors Weekly Readings

Click the year below for a preview of the weekly lectionary readings.