
Worship the Lord with gladness; come into his presence with singing. Psalm 100:2

Ministry Teams


Acolytes are young people (grade 5 and older) and adults who assist the clergy and congregation at principal worship services. The word acolyte comes from the Greek akolouthos meaning “one who helps” or “one who follows.” Training is required and usually takes place during Sunday School time. Rehearsals for special services, such as Christmas Eve, Easter, etc., are scheduled as needed.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is a group of women and men who prepare the church for worship and maintain the vestments and liturgical appointments of the church. Their ministry of service is a scared trust and their behind-the-scenes work is a special gift to those who worship at St. Monica’s.

Contemplative Prayer

Contemplative Prayer offers the opportunity to experience the peaceful power of sitting in shared silence with others as we pray. The ancient traditions of Christian centering prayer, passage meditation, lectio divina, or intercession takes place during our Wednesday gatherings. We begin with introductory music, hearing a short passage, 20-30 minutes of silence, and then optional sharing. All are welcome.

Flower Team

Talented duos work together to create beautiful floral arrangements for our altar each week and at other special events. New designers are always welcome.

Healing Team

Parishioners called to the healing ministry to participate as available. They are also available to pray with parishioners when needed. Training is required.

Lay Eucharist Ministers

These lay people lead the Prayers of the People and administer the chalice during celebrations of the Holy Eucharist. Chalicers must be at least 16 years of age and be confirmed or received in the Episcopal Church. This ministry requires training, as well as licensing by the Bishop.

Lay Readers (Lectors)

These lay people read the Scripture lessons and lead the Psalm in worship services. Readers may be youth or adults, who have been trained for this very important ministry.

Music and Choir Program

St. Monica’s offers anyone who is interested an opportunity to participate in our Music Ministry program as a chorister (high school age through age 100!). More participants are needed and are always welcome to join our program without audition!


Ushers youth and adults who welcome people to worship, help guests feel at home at St. Monica’s, and help with the smooth flow of the liturgy. Training is required.

How We Serve

  • We coordinate the ministries that support the many worship services of St. Monica’s Episcopal Church.
  • We collaborate with the vestry on the financial resource requirements of each worship ministry.
  • We coordinate with the office staff and schedule all ministry servers for each service.
  • We coordinate with the Rector to facilitate training of all Lay Eucharistic Ministers, Acolytes, Lectors, Ushers, and Altar Guild.

Get Involved

Interested in participating or joining one of our ministries? Have a general question or need more details before you get involved?

Fill out the form, and we’ll get back to you shortly with more information.