Dear Friends,
As we finish our stewardship campaign of a “Time to Build,” I want to thank you all for being a part of St. Monica’s. It is truly an honor to be in the Body of Christ with you.
I thank you to all those who have made a financial pledge. You allow us to do what we do together. It is a humbling experience to see the generosity of so many already. I also thank the multitudes who do so much to make our ministries happen.
If you have not returned your pledge yet, please do so by either emailing me, mailing it to the church or putting it in the offering plate this Sunday.
If you’ve never pledged before, I encourage you to try making a small one. You might find that you have a different approach to your spirituality and sense of community.
If you have any questions about what we are doing here at St. Monica’s, as always, feel free to meet with me.
In Christ,
Fr. Jonathan Evans