Dear Friends,
As we enter Holy Week, I invite you all to seriously pray about coming to as many services this week as you are able. These services may provide the most meaningful experiences that you have all year. I can tell you that, in a small way, these services can change who you are.
Our Palm Sunday services begins outside the church at the front entrance at 10am. Once the palms are blessed, we process into the church. Our service in Spanish begins at 12pm.
Our Maunday Thursday service begins at 7pm and foot washing will be observed. You are not obligated to wash feet or have your feet washed. Nonetheless, this is a very solemn service that I pray deeply impacts you.
The Good Friday service begin at 12pm with Stations of the Cross following.
Our Easter Vigil begins at 7:51pm at sunset. We will begin outside of the church as we light the holy fire.
Our Easter Sunday service begins at 10am and we will have an Easter Egg scavenger hunt following the service. Our service in Spanish begins at 12pm.
I pray this week is a solemn time for deep reflection and on Sunday, Pascal joy.
In Christ,
Fr. Jonathan Evans