Dear Friends,
I’d like to touch on a few topics this week.
Our annual Friends of Music campaign is now underway. This ministry allows us to minister to so many in beautiful ways. I am grateful for our music ministry and so often these musical offerings draw me further to that which is Holy around us, and I am so grateful we are able to serve the community through the gifts that we have. Please remember that commitments are in addition to our offerings to God through St. Monica’s.
As I write this note, I just saw the graduation of the Pre-K4 class from the Heavenly Day Preschool. Heavenly Day has been using our classes for several years, and it is a joy to see them here and to see them be prepared for kindergarten. As I saw the ceremony of their graduation, I reflected on my gratitude for getting to know the children – they love to pet my dog Bella, to be silly, and just to say “hi” or “hola.” They have warmed my heart this whole past school year. I am also so glad that, in some small way, we have ministered to these families through our welcome, and I pray that we continue to minister to them as we are called.
One thing I like about “season” ending is that it gives us time to reflect. In the off-season, we are not urged to do things all the time. We can show up and just be and just connect with others without any flurry of so much activity. I invite you to enjoy this time – that it may have a sabbath feel for you. Please go slow, connect with others, and see God’s Spirit inviting you into a holy stillness and reflection.
When you have a moment, please take a look at the Financial Report by our Treasurer, Tom Gibson.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, I am so glad to speak or meet with you.
Peace and grace
Fr. Jonathan Evans