Dear Friends,
Last spring, the Vestry held a retreat on Marco Island. Part of our work was to articulate the values of our congregation. As every Episcopal Church has the same mission as stated in the Book of Common Prayer and cited below, every church also has different values that express its culture and unique expression of its mission. These values guide our decisions, priorities, and vision. The values articulated below represent how we see the Spirit working among us, and what makes St. Monica’s such as special place.
The Vestry affirmed this statement in June 2022:
What is St. Monica’s about?
As an Episcopal Church, we believe the mission of the Church is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ. The Church pursues its mission as it prays and worships, proclaims the Gospel, and promotes justice, peace, and love. The church carries out its mission through the ministry of all its members. (Book of Common Prayer, p. 855)
Within this framework, St. Monica’s maintains a culture where …
- We warmly welcome all. We affirm the dignity of all humanity through a warm and friendly welcome.
- We connect with the community. We support ministries with our talents, finances, and passions.
- We cultivate a culture that welcomes children and youth, affirming them in their baptismal identity and that they are children of God with gifts to offer to the church.
- Music plays a vital role in our worship and outreach to the community.
- Through prayer, friendship, and community, God’s Spirit heals us.
- Fun is a high value in our community and is woven throughout our congregational life.
- We open ourselves to the Spirit. We have a long history of trying new ventures and ministries. Within the framework of our Episcopal values, we are open to change.
I pray that you reflect on these statements and how they can guide our ministry together. Please note that these statements can and should be amended as the Spirit leads.
Peace and grace,
Fr. Jonathan Evans