Dear Friends,

This Sunday ALL CHILDREN AND YOUTH ARE INVITED to come and enjoy a huge waterslide after church. Bring a bathing suit and a towel. We’ll be sliding until 1pm. Snacks will also be provided. (This is paid for by our Youth Fund.)

Give us your thoughts. We are offering a survey on change of service times, from Saturday at 5pm to Sunday at 5pm. We are also asking if you’d be interested in a return of the 8am service. Please keep an open mind to why we would consider such a change – the opportunity to appeal to the broader community, as many go away on weekends and have Saturday plans and events that carry over to the weekend. Please go to this link:

This link is available through September 19. There will also be hard copies in the back of the church for those who do not receive the eNews.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Jonathan Evans