Dear Friends,
As I look forward to the calendar year ahead, the theme for the stewardship campaign is “Let us build a house.” This comes from the hymn, “All are welcome” by Marty Haugen. The verse that stands out for the stewardship committee can inspire us: “Let us build a house where hands will reach beyond the wood and stone, To heal and strengthen, serve and teach, and live the Word they’ve known. Here the outcast and the stranger bear the image of God’s face … All are welcome … in this place.”
On January 7th and 8th, Vestry Member Kathy Connelly will introduce the campaign during services. After services in the Parish Hall on January 14th, 15th, and 29th, all are invited to talk about special moments in the life of St. Monica’s and our dreams for the future. I invite you now to pray about two things: 1) where you have experienced God’s love here, and 2) what your dreams are for St. Monica’s.
Thank you for all that you do. You are part of what makes our church special.
Peace and grace,
Fr. Jonathan Evans