Dear Friends,
Today I want to say, thank you. You have warmed my heart.
It happened again this week. More new people have committed to being a part of St. Monica’s. Why? Because of you! People come here and feel your warm welcome.
The way you welcome people to our church matters, and you do it well. When you offer them a warm smile and some friendly (not aggressive) conversation, you, in a way, represent God. You become the face of God for that person or family.
I also want to highlight the way in recent weeks that, as the prelude begins, we have entered into prayer through quieting and centering ourselves, being open to the Spirit as we prepare for the Holy Eucharist. As I said one Sunday, we have a chatty bunch, and I want to encourage that. And when it is time to pray, it is time to pray.
I want to encourage you to do something else – please join us for coffee hour. This is a great way to meet people, to catch up with friends, and to welcome visitors. This too is a ministry, more important than many realize.
Thank you again for your ministry and love. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
Peace and grace,
Fr. Jonathan Evans