Dear Friends,
Any worthwhile nonprofit asks itself at some point: What would happen if our organization did not exist? I think churches should ask the same thing. Some churches may find that they function in more of a social role than anything else. In contrast, at St. Monica’s I am seeing that we make a huge difference in our community and within the lives of our parishioners. While I see much room for growth and improvement, I see that we are doing wonderful ministry. You’ll hear more about how we make a difference in an upcoming impact report.
This weekend, we will hear from our vestry member and stewardship co-chair, Kathy Connelly, about our stewardship campaign. The following weekend, we will have a presentation and discussion about where we see the Spirit at work in our church and our dreams for our ministry together. This will follow each of the services.
Tomorrow (Friday) at 10am, let’s help put away the Christmas decorations – your help is greatly appreciated.
On Saturday, January 21st, we will spend the morning beautifying the campus with mulch. It should be a lot of fun!
Merry Christmas and happy Epiphany!
Peace and grace,
Fr. Jonathan Evans