Dear Friends,

Our campaign for 2024 is “Pray, Give, Love.” Today, I’d like to talk about the “Give” portion of the campaign.

First, let us consider how giving of your time, talent, and treasure affects you. 1) When you give of your time, you invest in something outside of yourself. You are working for something bigger than you, and your world in turn becomes bigger and richer. 2) When you give of your money, the same things happen as with giving of your time, but with a difference: we no longer have a sense of scarcity in our lives. We begin to feel less attached to holding on to what we have, but we focus on the abundance of what God’s generosity to us. 3) When you give of your talents, you become the you God created you to be, allowing you to become the hands and feet of Christ.

Second, let us consider how giving of your time, talent, and treasure affects the church. 1) The love we have for one another flourishes as we give our most valuable thing: time. 2) Our ministries thrive when you give your talent, allowing us to become a beautiful church and part of Christ’s body in the world. 3) When you give of your treasure generously, the leadership of the church focuses less on finances and more on ministry.

What you do or don’t do, changes you. Let us be part of the change, part of God’s incoming reign. Let us Pray, Give, Love!


Fr. Jonathan