The Rev. Sylvia R. Czarnetzky is a native Mississippian and an Episcopal priest who retired from full-time parish ministry in 2018. She is a cradle Episcopalian. She was ordained in the Diocese of Mississippi in 1998. She served several parishes in the Diocese of Mississippi in her twenty years as a priest. She came to Naples only recently, when her husband John, a cradle Roman Catholic, became Dean of Ave Maria School of Law earlier this year. They moved here from Oxford, Mississippi, where John had taught at the University of Mississippi School of Law for 27 years. Sylvia found her way to St. Monica’s, thanks to her seminary friend Kathy Schillreff. Sylvia visited St. Monica’s at the end of the summer, seeking a church home in her newly adopted hometown; She has returned many Sundays since then, drawn by the beautiful music and liturgy at St. Monica’s. She hopes to contribute to the life of the gathered community by helping Fr. Jonathan out from time to time with worship, preaching, and pastoral care.
Sylvia’s Biographical Information2022-01-11T08:38:39-05:00