Things are being done quickly at our church, as the hurricane has changed our lives so quickly. So, I ask us all to pray for others and love our neighbor through this crisis. Please take note of the several ways that we are loving our neighbor.

This Saturday, October 8th, Feed Thy Neighbor and St. Monica’s Episcopal Church is holding a FREE MARKET from 10am to 4pm. We will be providing food, water, toiletries, clothing, and other basic household items from 10am to 4pm. The larger community of Naples is participating. Collier County Emergency Services are bringing pallets of water and MREs. All are invited to donate during this time (no large or heavy items). If you know someone who needs water, food, toiletries, etc., please invite them to our church on Saturday.

Today and tomorrow, Champions for Learning is collecting school supplies for children who have lost their school supplies in the hurricane. Their list of items is here: Collier County Students in Need of School Supplies Following Hurricane Ian – Champions For Learning™. Champions for Learning will be using our Parish Hall on Sunday for packing of the donated items.


If you are receiving endowment letters this month because it is your birthday or anniversary, please recognize that our endowment allows us to do our mission of loving God and loving neighbor, especially during times like now.

If you are physically capable, please let me know so that we can form a work team for light construction, demolition, and clearing.


Please see our new webpage to some of our work and details of our response to the hurricane: Hurricane Ian Response | St. Monica’s Episcopal Church | Naples, FL

Thank you for your faithful response.


In Christ,

Fr. Jonathan Evans