Dear Friends,


This weekend we will dedicate what we give to God through our tithes and offerings. We hope to have everyone’s pledge card by this weekend. During the service, we will dedicate these gifts, remembering your generosity and that ultimately, we receive all things by God’s abundant giving to us.


I am also touched by so many who give to God through their generous financial gifts. I am particularly struck by so many who have increased their giving from last year, as this helps us be the special church that we are. I am excited that your generosity helps our deepening spiritual connection with God and with one another and for our initiatives, such as our Latino ministry, a mission trip to Cuba, a community garden, and the refurbishing of our Parish Hall. In fact, we recently received a gift for this purpose and others have been contributing through their hard labor!


I’m excited for the year to come and we continue in being faithful to who we are called to be and living into our mission.


Peace and grace,

Fr. Jonathan Evans