Funding Future Ministry at St. Monica’s

Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.  Martin Luther

endow-bannerThe Endowment Fund at St. Monica’s is the accumulation of gifts made to St. Monica’s for future ministries. Thanks to those who have donated through the ABC Club, planned giving or direct gifts.

The Endowment Fund helps our parish fulfill its mission more completely by developing ministries beyond what is possible through its annual operating funds.

Distributions may be made to:

    • Outreach ministries and grants
    • Seed money for new ministries and special projects
    • Music and worship ministries
    • Unforeseen maintenance and support of our campus buildings
    • Specially designated purposes through specific donations

We have an Endowment Committee, appointed by the Vestry. Our funds are invested with the Episcopal Church Foundation.

Plant your apple tree for St. Monica’s future today!

Planned giving offers church members the opportunity to make a testament about their Christian faith and ensures St. Monica’s has resources available in the future to continue the important work of the

You may donate to the Endowment Fund through a variety of donation options:

    • Name St. Monica’s in your will. Simply give a percentage of your estate to the church the next time you update your will and trust.
    • Name St. Monica’s as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy, an annuity, or a 401K savings plan.
    • Make a direct gift of cash, stock, etc. to the Endowment Fund. You can direct your donation to a specific ministry or leave it open to any ministry.
    • Make a direct gift through the Birthday Club. A dollar per year? Remember you do not have to be wealthy to make a gift of lasting value.

Take a Walk Through our Apple Orchard!

The St. Monica’s Legacy Society recognizes all those who have planted an apple tree, by including St. Monica’s in their long-term plans. When we receive notification that you have included the church in your planning or have made a direct gift of $5000 or more, you become a member of the Legacy Society. No dues, no obligations, no solicitations – just our thanks and recognition for planning for the future of St. Monica’s. Perhaps your participation will inspire others.