News & Announcements

New Life

Dear Friends, The Lord has risen indeed! This proclamation declares to us that the powers of death do not have the ultimate word. No, God’s love for us does! So, despite any trial, any disappointment, any political reality that we experience, God’s love has the ultimate say. I always like [...]

2024-04-08T09:40:49-04:00April 4, 2024|Rector's Notes|

New Life

Dear Friends, The Lord has risen indeed! This proclamation declares to us that the powers of death do not have the ultimate word. No, God’s love for us does! So, despite any trial, any disappointment, any political reality that we experience, God’s love has the ultimate say. I always [...]

2024-04-04T13:38:36-04:00April 4, 2024|Announcements|

New Life

Dear Friends, The Lord has risen indeed! This proclamation declares to us that the powers of death do not have the ultimate word. No, God’s love for us does! So, despite any trial, any disappointment, any political reality that we experience, God’s love has the ultimate say. I always like [...]

2024-04-04T13:34:19-04:00April 4, 2024|Announcements|

A beginner’s mind

Dear Friends, Several times in the past year, I have come across the concept of the “beginner's mind." This refers to approaching situations, experiences, and life with openness, curiosity, and a lack of preconceptions. In essence, it means seeing things as if you were encountering them for the first [...]

2024-03-21T11:46:52-04:00March 21, 2024|Rector's Notes|

Ready for Growth

Dear Friends,   What would it mean to you to imagine yourself as a seed? Imagine the darkness around you. Imagine how you would change? What would it feel like to grow? Would it hurt? Would you miss being the seed you once were when you began to sprout? This [...]

2024-03-19T17:59:40-04:00March 14, 2024|Rector's Notes|

Invitation to Love

Dear Friends, In thinking about “Pray, Love, Give,” I invite you this Sunday to consider love. What preconditions do we apply to our love? What judgments do we impose? Do we judge others? Do we judge ourselves? However, if we know that we are loved and not judged, we change. [...]

2024-03-07T09:58:35-05:00March 7, 2024|Rector's Notes|

Dear Friends, I hope that you are engaging in the discipline of Lent this season. Part of Lent involves examining what we need to let go and what we need to do more of. Last weekend, I offered several questions that stemmed from Jesus’ admonition to Peter to keep his [...]

2024-02-29T14:41:49-05:00February 29, 2024|Rector's Notes|

Dear Friends, As we are now in Lent, I pray that you will find this time to be transformative. If you are like me, it is easy to drop back into my regular habits and prayer life, and I have to discipline myself to remember it is Lent. This [...]

2024-02-22T14:09:09-05:00February 22, 2024|Rector's Notes|

Lent has begun

Dear Friends, I look forward to seeing you all this Sunday for our Annual Parish Meeting at 11:15 in the Church. I am so happy about those who have said yes to being candidates for the vestry: Ed Strong, Heather Williamson, and Nancy Snethen. I am also deeply grateful [...]

2024-02-15T13:48:14-05:00February 15, 2024|Rector's Notes|


Dear Friends, Before coming to the Eucharist this Saturday or Sunday, I invite you to reflect on a few things related to “Pray, Love, Give.” What kind of experiences have you had that you would consider holy moments – ones that impacted how you relate to God, yourself, and [...]

2024-02-08T10:28:25-05:00February 8, 2024|Rector's Notes|
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