News & Announcements


Dear Friends, This Sunday ALL CHILDREN AND YOUTH ARE INVITED to come and enjoy a huge waterslide after church. Bring a bathing suit and a towel. We’ll be sliding until 1pm. Snacks will also be provided. (This is paid for by our Youth Fund.) Give us your thoughts. We are [...]

2022-09-08T15:25:26-04:00September 8, 2022|Rector's Notes|


Dear Friends, Put your seatbelts on! We’re getting ready to launch. Just look at the announcements of groups that are beginning to gather, and new ones are being formed in the coming month. As we see these groups come back and others being formed, please remember that we do critical [...]

2022-09-01T15:03:53-04:00September 1, 2022|Rector's Notes|

Managers of God’s Things

Dear Friends, God calls all of us to be managers of all of God’s things. By extension, all things that we have belong to God. All our furniture, all our 401Ks, all the contents of our refrigerators, all the things in our garage – everything in our possession belongs to [...]

2022-08-25T14:41:33-04:00August 25, 2022|Rector's Notes|

Dear Friends, Last spring, the Vestry held a retreat on Marco Island. Part of our work was to articulate the values of our congregation. As every Episcopal Church has the same mission as stated in the Book of Common Prayer and cited below, every church also has different values that [...]

2022-08-18T13:33:37-04:00August 18, 2022|Rector's Notes|


Dear Friends, As I write this, I am simply feeling thankful. I am thankful for the opportunity to be your rector. I am thankful for your friendship. I am thankful for those who serve here in so many ways. I am thankful to see parishioners connect with and love our [...]

2022-06-16T14:02:34-04:00June 16, 2022|Rector's Notes|

New Faces

Dear Friends,   As I looked around last Sunday morning, I was struck by how many new faces have become a part of St. Monica’s in the past year. To me, it appears that as we rebound from the pandemic or as we adjust to a new normal, our church [...]

2022-05-26T17:12:15-04:00May 26, 2022|Rector's Notes|


Dear Friends, I’d like to touch on a few topics this week. Our annual Friends of Music campaign is now underway. This ministry allows us to minister to so many in beautiful ways. I am grateful for our music ministry and so often these musical offerings draw me further to [...]

2022-05-19T15:41:04-04:00May 19, 2022|Rector's Notes|


Dear Friends, St. Monica’s has always had outside groups use our facilities, such as New Horizons, Heavenly Day Preschool, Alcoholics Anonymous, Alanon, BNI, musical groups, and others. Last fall with the blessing of the vestry, we began to have more groups and individuals come and use our facilities, including Full [...]

2022-05-12T14:31:39-04:00May 12, 2022|Rector's Notes|


Dear Friends, Psalm 23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me beside still waters. He revives my soul * and guides me along right pathways for his Name's sake. Though I walk through the valley of the [...]

2022-05-05T15:22:45-04:00May 5, 2022|Rector's Notes|


Dear Friends,   As we find ourselves in Eastertide and as many go back north for the summer, it is a time for us to remember and see where God has been present with us. What has filled you? What has made you feel most alive? What could you do [...]

2022-04-28T14:41:43-04:00April 28, 2022|Rector's Notes|
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